What's That Function?


identity clojure.core

A function that takes what you give it, and just gives it back.

How can this be useful? Identity is best used combined with other higher order functions.

Example 1

Combined with filter, it can be used to filter out nil.

(->> [1 2 nil 3 nil 4 5]
     (filter identity))

=> (1 2 3 4 5)

Example 2

Combined with the juxt function, it can be used to index data. This works because identity returns the hash-map as is.

(def lookup
    [{:id 1 :name "John"  :age 5}
     {:id 2 :name "Gale"  :age 5}
     {:id 3 :name "Zoe"   :age 7}
     {:id 4 :name "Diana" :age 7}
     {:id 5 :name "Aden"  :age 5}
     {:id 6 :name "Alex"  :age 7}]
    (map (juxt :id identity))
    (into {})))

(get lookup 5)

=> {:id 5 :name "Aden" :age 5}

Example 3

It can also act as a no-op. In this case the transform function will always round a double, but not do anything to other value types.

(defn transform [value]
  (let [f (if (= java.lang.Double (type value))
            #(Math/round %)
    (f value)))

(transform 5) => 5

(transform 1/4) => 1/4

(transform 1.345345) => 1

So even though it seems strange at first glance, the identity function has lots of application in the functional world.